Match Summary

FC Krasnodar PFC Sochi
Were effective at creating goalscoring opportunities from long shot situations
(Team has no significant strengths)
Were effective at creating goalscoring opportunities from counter attacks
Were effective at creating goalscoring opportunities from set-pieces
(Team has no significant weaknesses)
Were poor at finishing
Favoured long balls
Had a large quantity of possession in their opponent's half
Attacked down the left side
Favoured crossing the ball

Situational Report

Positional Report

FC Krasnodar

PFC Sochi

FC Krasnodar

PFC Sochi

FC Krasnodar

PFC Sochi

FC Krasnodar

PFC Sochi

  • Name:
  • Shirt Number:
  • Position:
  • Rating:

Comments (0)

  • my bookmaker uses your statistic that no true! pls recheck throw ins, i see match on my own eyes,and there is more than 20-16!

  • Pls re-check throw ins in this match! there is more than 20-16 throw ins!!! on other sites 20-20 or;s more correct! also there is no 7 7 corners!! 6-7 correct..pls check!