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Player Focus: Brazilian Wildcards Who Could Play Their Way into World Cup Contention

Player Focus: Brazilian Wildcards Who Could Play Their Way into World Cup Contention By now, Luiz Felipe Scolari has already identified most of the players who – barring injury or a drastic loss of form – will represent Brazil at next summer’s World Cup. The base of the squad that performed so well at the Confederations Cup will be maintained, with Felipão t...

Player Focus: Heavyweight Walter Back Among the Goals at Goiás

Player Focus: Heavyweight Walter Back Among the Goals at Goiás There is a poem engraved on the Statue of Liberty that sounds out a stirring welcome to immigrants to the USA. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” reads its most quoted line (and who am I to avoid the beaten path?). If the Campeonato Brasileiro...