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Premier League Top 10 Talismen

Premier League Top 10 Talismen What makes a talisman? The phrase, bandied about with a certain regularity, tends to be applied to Carlos Tevez more than most Premier League players. Does the likes of Tevez give his team a better chance of winning, does him being on the pitch guarantee more goals or does his presence lift the side...

Dribbling Masters of Europe

Dribbling Masters of Europe One of the most attractive aspects of football in the modern game is witnessing great players dribble past opponents while leaving them embarrassed. It brings joy to us fans, and ultimately makes that team or player popular; considering they don't lose the ball half the time. If this is the case, it...

Survival Sunday Lowdown Continued

Survival Sunday Lowdown Continued With the time creeping closer to 4pm, we continue our look at those relegation-threatened clubs near the foot of the Premier League. Yesterday saw us run the rule over Wolves and Blackburn, leaving Wigan, Blackpool and Birmingham to come under the microscope, in what has proved to be the most tensio...